
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 04:07:05
I read " the senior fisherman think: Here to the seacoast really was too near, perhaps could have a bigger fish in a farther place... " When, I extremely admire this senior fisherman, because he by now already projected on some fish, but he had not settled to the present situation, but was approaches the bigger goal advance. Again has a look us, usually meets one slightly is difficult, we all complain incessantly. We will be the motherland future, will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, will even better pursue even better, the bigger goal.

我读到 经验丰富的渔民想: 这里离海岸确实太近了,有大鱼的话也可能在更远的地方。 我确实羡慕这位年长的渔民,因为到现在他已经网到了一些鱼,但是他并不满足于现状,他的目标是更大更多的收获。再看看我们自己吧,通常遇到一个轻微的困难,都会不断的抱怨。我们将是祖国的未来,是被认为是想现在的成年人一样有满腔的热情,为追逐更好更高的目标而奋斗。